Together, let's reshape healthcare

At KLAVA Innovation, our ambition is to support several million people with addictions by combining digital technologies and evidence-based studies for addictive disorders.

The high risk of relapse related to

addictions in the world

In most countries, addiction problems are severely undertreated. In the field of mental health, addiction has one of the highest rates of therapeutic neglect.

Whether it’s a problem with alcohol, tobacco or any other substance, addiction kills thousands of people every year and impacts millions of lives.

State of smoking in France (adults 18-75 years old in 2021)

of French people are smokers
of smokers say they want to quit smoking
of smokers can't quit without help

The medical need is real : the use of digital technology as a digital companion is essential to reinforce motivation and therefore abstinence in this process of stopping the addiction.

source : santé publique France

 À la différence des applications de “bien-être”, Quitoxil® est un dispositif médical sur smartphone

Quitoxil® est le prolongement d’une consultation chez un professionnel de santé. Les divers contenus intégrés dans l’outil rassemblent les stratégies et les méthodes utilisées lors des consultations médicales.

KLAVA offre à ses patients des thérapies cognitivo-comportementales (TCC) personnalisées en utilisant des algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle.

Ces approches, cliniquement validées, reposent sur une variété de techniques visant à aider le patient à identifier les mécanismes sous-jacents à ses difficultés, à expérimenter de nouveaux comportements, et à progressivement briser les cercles vicieux de la dépendance.

Quitoxil® intègre l’intelligence artificielle et l’interaction humaine, donnant aux utilisateurs la possibilité de rejoindre une communauté confidentielle d’anciens fumeurs spécialisés en addictologie.

Our partners

By our side, one of the most prestigious Addiction department in France – the Addiction Department – Paul-Brousse Hospital – AP-HP in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne).

The Addiction Center of Paul-Brousse Hospital is a renowned center for the evaluation and treatment of addictions. It receives nearly 100 patients per day. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted in this center, combining research, care and teaching excellence. 

They talk about us